Young Adult
Colossians 2:6-7
"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness."

This is the mission of the Mooers Camp Young Adult Ministry (YAM); to go deep and grow tall in the faith that has been developed at Mooers Camp. Often times, when life gets hectic; marriage, starting a family, going off to college, getting a job, etc. we can lose focus on staying rooted in our Christian walk.
It is our goal to keep our young people connected to God and in Christian fellowship and building healthy Christian bonds and values to keep them rooted throughout the year.
Of course, all are welcome to attend camp for the full 12 days but our main focus of study, or "Core Days", will be August 7th-11th. Our daily schedule will include prayer and Bible study time, activities (games/sports), bonfires and possibly some service projects and an off-site hike.

There are NO meals provided
Meals may be purchased separately at the Camp Office for the fees listed on the Main Office page.
More Info
Room and Board
Check out the Main Office page for accommodation options at camp.
Contact Trevor Finley for more information. (Click here to email Trevor)